I don’t really think I’ve ever truly felt like an expert.
I think part of the problem is like the Dunning-Kruger effect or imposter syndrome.
The more I learn about marketing and sales and automation and copywriting and running a business, the more I realize, I don’t know.
What I’m finding is that for every book I finish, there are three more that I need to read to better my understanding.
I will say, however, that a moment that I did feel like an expert was my ability to turn someone down who I thought would be a nightmare to work with.
All of the red flags were going off.
And I thought, I think this is going to be a really difficult project and it’s not going to make as much money and they’re going to blame me.
And sure enough, I turned them down.
They ended up working with a friend of mine, and the friend was basically kind of raked over the coals by them and it was really difficult.
But I remember thinking, I’m glad I avoided that. And funny enough, that’s when I felt like an expert.