You don’t need funding.
What you need is speed of implementation.
And above all else, you need client acquisition.
Yes, there are some business models that work by taking on an enormous amount of funding, developing a cool piece of technology, and hoping that one of the big companies buys you out.
But most businesses don’t operate that way, and they can’t operate that way.
In fact, the number of times I have worked for startups who have completely confused startup capital with revenue.
And they say, oh yeah, you know, we’re a $3 million, $5 million, $10 million company.
And I’ll go, great.
Where are your sales?
And they say, well, we haven’t sold anything yet.
Your company is worth jack all if you haven’t made any money.
Acquiring customers is the hardest thing that you should do.
And instead of thinking where you can find your next funding from, you need to be thinking, where can I find my next customer?