5 things I learned closing my 6 figure business

In 2023 I decided to shut down the successful, profitable, multiple six figure coaching business that I had run since about 2017.

Here’s 5 things I learned in that process.

  1. People did and didn’t care

For the most part, my coaching clients (ex- clients now I guess) were very very supportive.

I miss all of them and speaking to them regularly was very rewarding.

However they all understood that my heart wasn’t in it anymore and I wanted to move on.

On the other hand, no one really cared outside of them about the change.

My wife noticed, and a few close friends.

But overall, the world moves on.

You think it’s going to be some massive life changing moment that people will remember.

But most people didn’t even really know what I did anyway, so honestly, no one really noticed.

  1. I found a new identity (eventually)

But I was known as a sales coach.

If I wasn’t doing sales coaching then how could I be a sales coach?

Over time I developed a new identity and embraced the new stuff I was working on.

I think I was kind of desperate to be seen as a success and for that success to be public.

And now, I’m realising that what I really want, is to be a great boss and business owner.

  1. The grass isn’t greener

All I really did was swap one stress for another.

YouTube and affiliate marketing, albeit to the same market, is just as stressful as coaching.

There are advantages of course.

But trying to figure out YouTube has easily been the hardest thing I have ever done.

And I’ve lunged 5 kilometres

The rewards come slower and smaller but are longer term and more sustainable/scalable (I feel).

It’s nice to dedicate myself to something completely different and learn how to build a new business from scratch.

  1. I was starting from scratch

Speaking of which…

I thought a lot of what I learned from my coaching company would carry over.

And yes, my audience certainly transferred over pretty well.

But something I did purposefully which KILLED our numbers to start with, was I didn’t share a single new YouTube video via email.

Did you even notice that?

I’ve started sharing old videos (1 year+) now.

But I wanted my views to be totally organic, viral almost, on the homepage.

I already had a few affiliates across multiple platforms.

But I was diving head first into a new business model and putting all my chips on this new method.

  1. Being honest is scary and painful

When I finally admitted that coaching didn’t make me happy, it was a very scary realisation.

I had been a coach for almost 10 years and ran my own coaching business for 6 years. 

It was like admitting I wasn’t in love any more.

But having a frank and open conversation with my team, my clients and my close friends and family meant I knew I was supported.

And, a bit like admitting to a mistake or letting go of a secret, it felt so good to get it out in the open.

I’d love to hear what kinds of lessons you’ve learned recently.

Hit reply and let me know.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.