The Journey from a $0 Funnel to a $25,000 Funnel

Here’s how I sold my first $25,000 marketing funnel.

The first thing I did was make sure I knew exactly who I was targeting—insurance agents.

I spent weeks doing deep research, joining forums, attending webinars, and diving into message boards.

What I found was a goldmine: these companies had tons of traffic on their blog articles, but no opt-ins.

Leads were costing them hundreds per click, and their biggest challenge was the sky-high cost of each lead.

So, I offered a different solution: what if I could help them generate leads for free?

No bought lists—just turning their existing traffic into leads without paying a cent for ads.

They were sceptical at first, but one company gave me a shot.

They were paying $400 to $800 per lead, so I offered to generate leads at half the cost—50%.

All I did was set up an opt-in form on their blog post, leading to a simple video sales letter.

We marketed to the leads through email, and before long, I got an email from the client: “Turn the campaign off, we can’t keep up with the leads!”

It worked so well that they happily paid me a flat rate of $2,500 a month, and we were generating leads daily from their blog.

This wasn’t a complex funnel—just an opt-in form on a page already getting traffic.

But it converted, and that’s what mattered.

Make sure to download images if you want to see an example of what I’m talking about

Are you ready to turn your traffic into a $25,000 funnel?

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.