How to make actual passive income as an agency

By Mike Killen / June 17, 2024

Passive, recurring income is like…the golden holy grail of running an agency. Let me break down how you can actually, realistically do this AND show you the plan I used to create a business that supports my life and goals. So first I think it’s important to understand how most agencies (indeed, most businesses) work…

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Make $50,000 in 30 Days

By Mike Killen / June 14, 2024

What if there was a game-changing and explosive secret that all the agency YouTubers and internet marketers were keeping hidden from you? A secret that could EASILY skyrocket your agency revenue, but they don’t want you to learn it because if you did, you’d never ever need to buy one of their marketing courses ever…

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Want More Sales?

By Mike Killen / June 10, 2024

Why is it that a global vegan food chain hasn’t overtaken the likes of McDonald’s? We’re constantly told to eat less meat for health and environmental reasons. Yet, the absence of a vegan giant in the fast-food industry is puzzling. It’s a classic case of wants versus needs. Even with the clear benefits of vegetables,…

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The Real “Catch” in Client Attraction?

By Mike Killen / May 28, 2024

Felt like your client base was a sea of tiny, ill-suited fish when all you wanted was a big, healthy adult fish?  You know, the kind that truly values your services and contributes significantly to your business growth.  I’ve been there, and I’ve discovered the perfect bait. Here’s a little story that puts things into…

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Is ClickFunnels dying?

By Mike Killen / May 23, 2024

ClickFunnels has been losing clients, influencers, users, and interest since 2020 and all because of one, underground, unknown app. THIS IS 100% NOT A SALES LETTER. This new app is eating into their market share and redefining what it means to be a “marketing platform” in the 2020’s. Back in 2015 or so when ClickFunnels…

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The dumb secret to making more sales

By Mike Killen / May 14, 2024

Have you ever wondered “How can I sell more of my best products!?” My client asked a similar question.  And that’s because she and thousands of other agency owners are making a massive error which costs them tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe even more. It’s also the reason that some of your customers are…

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$2000 a day product inside

By Mike Killen / May 9, 2024

So when I talk about creating $2000 a day, I’m not talking about selling a new $2000 product each day to a new person. I’m talking about having 30 customers who pay $2000 a month. Which means that every 30 days, they’re paying you another $2000. But of course that raises the question “What would…

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3 lazy ways to grow your revenue

By Mike Killen / March 29, 2024

Ever had a revelation from the least expected source? Here’s a story for you. I was chatting with the finance director of a massive consulting firm. She quizzed me, “Can you help us boost sales?” Honestly? Yes, I can. But here’s the catch. I’ve decided to wind down the coaching and consulting side of my…

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If you understand this sales technique you’ll win 10x more deals

By Mike Killen / January 9, 2024

Don’t be afraid to close the customer because they benefit as soon as you close them. It’s going to be a huge weight lifted off their mind when they know that they’ve got an expert on the case. Have you ever had to order something or make sure that someone else does something for you…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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