Get rich firing your agency clients

By Mike Killen / September 26, 2023

I want to talk about a time when I let 15 of my clients go and ended up making more money, despite losing their regular monthly payments and how you can do the same. Have you got a client that when they call, their name comes up and shivers run down your spine? Maybe they’re…

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How I make $2000 a week (while on vacation)

By Mike Killen / February 1, 2023

In late 2022 some friends took us to Yellowstone National Park. And while the scenery is stunning and the wildlife is abundant, the mobile signal is…awful. So even if I wanted to make sales and jump on calls, I can’t. But, if we check out Stripe – we did over $6000 in revenue during that…

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How to write an engaging blog post!

By Mike Killen / January 24, 2023

The story you are about to read is 100% and happened to me in 2016. Trigger warning – I’m questioned by police on rape charges. ============================================== If you want to write AMAZING blog posts  I PROMISE I’ll explain the subject line. The one problem with AI, which by the way I’m a huge fan of,…

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Inside look at the process you use to deliver results

By Mike Killen / January 23, 2023

My wife is a running coach, and her specialty is half-marathon runners who are injured, who want to come back stronger than before, and (ideally) beat a sub 2 hour half marathon time. A marathon is 26.2 miles. A half marathon is…anything over 13.1 miles. A sub 2 hour half-marathon pace is 9:09 per mile…

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How I work with clients

By Mike Killen / January 22, 2023

I have 3 core mantras for working with clients. I first want to start off by saying I love (yes love) 99% of my customers, students, and clients. I plainly refuse to work with anyone that I wouldn’t want to talk to outside of work. The 3 rules above seem very “old Kung-Fu master who…

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What my family doesn’t understand about my business

By Mike Killen / January 21, 2023

How can you live not knowing how much you’re going to earn? How can you live knowing how much you’re going to earn? The idea that someone else can cap how much I’ll earn, based on what they think is valuable, is crazy to me. I’d rather eat shit for 10 years working for myself,…

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My favourite thing my business has provided me is… 

By Mike Killen / January 19, 2023

Without question, the #1 thing I love about running a business is the freedom to do what I want, how I want. Some months there was no money in the bank. There are days so stressful I get close to quitting the whole thing. There’s uncertainty and risk and I’ve made some HUGE mistakes. But…

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How much do I get paid to speak at events?

By Mike Killen / December 7, 2022

  The short answer is quite a lot. Chris Lemar messaged me in the early part of 2022 saying, “Hey, we’re running this event, Cabo Press. We’d love it if you came out. It’s in Mexico.” And “ At first, I was actually a little bit hesitant. I was like, “Maybe.” He said, “No, no,…

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How to find more clients for your marketing agency without spending a penny

By Mike Killen / July 24, 2020

In this blog post I’m going to show you how to find more clients for your marketing agency for free, for the long term, that you can use over and over It’s worth noting up top, that I’m making a few assumptions and there is going to need to be some sacrifice and brave steps…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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