Fear of judgement from others

By Mike Killen / July 12, 2024

Do you live with a fear of being judged? We all do, in truth. And it’s the single biggest thing holding you back. I’m currently reading “Tough Broad” by Caroline Paul and aside from being brilliantly well written and very funny, it’s extremely poignant and moving. A recurring theme that comes up again and again…

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Best “non-business” business book

By Mike Killen / April 4, 2024

There’s an unspoken assumption. Every great business book is about… business. But that’s not always true. Sometimes, the deepest lessons are off the beaten path. Enter, “The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. It’s not a strategy book. Nor is it about tactics. It’s a delve into the human psyche. A…

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The Courage To Be Disliked | Book Review

By Mike Killen / May 24, 2022

The courage to be disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga might be the most influential book that I’ve ever had in my life. In fact, it’s such an important book to me that the title is even one of my core values and you’ve probably even heard me say it when I say, “Have…

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2018 goals, $1 million goal, financial goals, how to write goals

Reaching $1million in 2018 – how I’m going to do it. 2018 goals.

By Mike Killen / December 19, 2017

Recently a colleague of mine, Cam, who I run the Go For Growth podcast with. Introduced me to Stefan James of Project Life Mastery. One of James’ most popular blog post types, is his goals and accountability posts. So in this post, I’m going to explore the goals that I have for 2018, including paying…

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digital marketing experts, sell marketing funnels, sell funnels experts

Who the experts are. Where to find the BEST information from experts on marketing funnels

By Mike Killen / December 15, 2017

One of the most confusing areas of running an online business, or marketing funnel business (or any business for that matter), is knowing who to trust when it comes to advice. One of the biggest mistakes I made when first starting my business, was to listen to people who were on the same level as…

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6 counter-intuitive but hyper productive habits “Super Mike” has

By Mike Killen / November 20, 2017

I want to talk about 6 very productive, but seemingly counter-intuitive habits that I’ve built up, in order to get more done every day. I don’t think I do have a massively productive output. I’ll often look at myself and think “I could have done so much more today”. But I also have a persona…

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34 marketing books, marketing funnel books

34 epic books, written by the masters, that all funnel builders must read

By Mike Killen / November 3, 2017

If you want to write a lot, you have to read a lot. These are some of the most influential books and authors on my shelf.   How to own the world Andrew Craig A plain English to financing your own pension and managing your money Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki What the rich…

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Universe Fuel, 7 steps, achieve goals

7 steps to achieving your goals (big or small)

By Mike Killen / October 23, 2017

Why is it that some people have boundless energy and seem to accomplish so much more than everybody else? How do we achieve everything and anything? Universe Fuel. We look at famous people, celebrities, entrepreneurs, they seem to have accomplished so much more than we have. I’m going to show you how these people are able…

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mike killen single to scale book proft

Building a book funnel

By Mike Killen / August 11, 2017

Earlier this week, I had a book published. From Single To Scale is now available on Amazon Kindle, Amazon print on demand and Blurb.com. I’ll no doubt have a post and training soon on how to write and publish a book. But I wanted to talk through how we’re going to be building a book…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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