Products build sell a funnel

12 more product ideas for funnel businesses to expand the number of ways they can generate revenue

By Mike Killen / April 5, 2017

If you liked my previous post on 10 perfect products for single person businesses, that scale easily and FAST or my other post on 100 product ideas you can use to expand the number of products and services you sell you’re going to love this post. We all need new product ideas for our business. This is a list…

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24 hours to make a funnel sale

How I made a sale for my funnel business within 24 hours (even when I had never made a sale before and had no leads)

By Mike Killen / March 8, 2017

It’s often said that if you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. However if you teach a man to fish, he’ll open a fishery and charge 20% less than his smaller competitors and make a killing. What I mean is if you can do something once, you can do something a…

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website digital businesses no idea what to do

90% of website and digital agencies haven’t got a fucking clue what they’re doing

By Mike Killen / March 7, 2017

Here’s the deal. You can either decide to be like everyone else, or you can decide to be brilliant. Average or excellent. If you want to sell funnels to clients, you need to choose one of these options. We know who they are Look around your local market. Look at your competition and ask yourself…

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If you can do these 10 things, your funnel business WILL grow

By Mike Killen / February 28, 2017

Are you struggling with scaling your business? Do you sometimes look at your to-do list and think “I need something that’s going to help me grow”. Then check out our 10 growth hacks below which WILL speed up your business scaling and scaling fast. Use a system to record, measure and test ideas for growth…

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motivation fuel purpose life business goals

Big life changing goals are your fuel for motivation

By Mike Killen / February 23, 2017

This post will help you stay motivated, determine the tactics you need to focus on AND give you direction in your life. No big deal. How do I stay motivated? I don’t have a direction. I’m lost. I’m unmotivated. I’m depressed. Good things never happen to me. I want a better life. Why can’t I…

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success millennial

Millennials. Stop whining – you sound like victims.

By Mike Killen / February 14, 2017

This is the hardest economic climate ever. We didn’t vote for them. Our parents ruined the world. Everything is so fucked up. I’ll be lucky if I ever own a house. College and university costs too much. I’m unmotivated. I can’t afford anything. It’s never been harder to get a job. That’s offensive/racist/prejudiced/unjust/unfair. The 1%…

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Success is not a commodity motivation

Success is not a commodity

By Mike Killen / February 10, 2017

In 2013 I was sent dozens of emails from a local, small time business, telling me to stop running my business. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of the emails left, I probably deleted them after having a good laugh months later. At the time, I was pretty disheartened. I wish I had kept copies because…

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monthly planning for your wordpress business

Monthly planning for your WordPress business in under 19 minutes

By Mike Killen / February 8, 2017

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “how do I plan my month by month activities?” We start each new quarter (every 3 months of the year), with a 12-week plan. We get our high-level goals, activities and what we want down on that 12-week plan. We also have our tactics brainstormed for…

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How you can plan your week to be 10x more effective and productive

By Mike Killen / February 3, 2017

Ever feel like you’re just busy, but not really accomplishing anything? Maybe you find yourself saying “I need 8 more hours a day” just so you can get done, what you need done. We’re going to make your week up to 10x more effective and productive, with some very very simple steps. A lot of…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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