Every month I examine my own traffic, subscribers and channels to see what’s growing. What’s gets measured, gets managed baby.
We use Oribi to measure our traffic and leads, ActiveCampaign to measure leads and email subscribers and we’re now using Facebook analytics to measure our remarketing traffic and some lead gen.
3412 visitors in September which is an 11% drop. I could blame the time of year and weather, but the truth is that I just didn’t publish as much killer content as I could have. Last month I had a goal of getting to 4000 in a month. There was a period in mid-August to mid-September where we did see over 4000 visitors in a 30 day period, but yet to see that in a calendar month.
This is Oribi by the way, the analytics tool that I use.
Next month I’d love to get back to over 3700 a month. I’ll need to rethink our content strategy and traffic attraction methods.
1291 people visiting my page on product launch emails, which obviously needs to be exploited. We also had 182 people visit our funnel building course page.
Next steps
Start remarketing specifically to viewers of the course page.
YouTube referrals is now our 3rd largest source of traffic which is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. 170 visits and 3 $19 sales. Nice. Up from 145 visits and 1 sale.
AWESOME to see 31 visits from Elegant Marketplace, from a guest post we sent last month. I’ve started a YouTube course from Sean Cannell which I want to use to increase our YouTube subscribers and traffic to the site,
Next steps
Add our new products to the analytics.
Email subscribers
1257 subscribers, which is a 8% increase on last month. Let’s think about this, it took me months to generate 200 subscribers. But now it took less than 2 months to hit over 250 subscribers. Growing our list by 8% is easier when there are already 1000 on there.
96 subscribers over 30 days, so a little over 3 per day. The goal is to get to 5 per day. That’d be super sexy.
Next steps
Our conversion rate was pretty high across the entire site. So if I increase traffic I’ll increase my subscribers.
Facebook paid traffic
Slight increase in cost per click at £0.29 per click. 118 clicks which is fine, but roughly the same cost for last month in total.
Next steps
I need a new remarketing campaign for my new course and course sales.
141 new subscribers in September and as of the time of writing I have 928 subscribers.
Fewer videos but I’m getting better at optimising traffic and views on those videos. Tagging and titles make all the difference.
Next steps
3 videos a week, that’s the goal.