Struggling with a low-performing funnel?

If your funnel isn’t converting, it’s likely for one of three reasons—and with a quick fix, you can turn it into a sales machine overnight.  

First, your funnel might not clearly call out the right audience.  

Saying you work with “small business owners” or “service-based businesses” is way too broad.  

You need to be specific.  

Instead of saying, “I work with small business owners,” say, “I help businesses with fewer than five employees, who sell digital products online, and have a YouTube presence.”  

The more specific you are, the better your funnel will perform.  

Trust me, funnel mechanics—like page design or load speed—are rarely the issue.  

It’s almost always a problem with who you’re targeting.  

The second issue is that you’re not offering something they really care about.  

Too many marketers focus on what they think is valuable: increased conversion rates, revenue growth, or profit margins.  

But here’s the reality—your audience doesn’t care about those things.  

A coach only wants to know if you can get them $10,000 clients.  

An author wants to hear that you can sell them 1,000 books and land them on a bestseller list.  

You need to speak their currency—what they value as success.  

For a construction company, for example, that’s new projects.  

If you say, “I’ll help you land five $1 million projects in three years,” now you’ve got their attention.  

Finally, the third reason your funnel might be failing: there’s no urgency.  

If you’re offering something vague or too small, like landing a $100 client “eventually,” there’s no rush.  

But if you tell them, “I can help you land a $10,000 client in the next 30 days before AI makes it harder,” that creates urgency and drives action.  

To sum it up, the three reasons funnels fail are a lack of audience, a lack of currency, and a lack of urgency.  

Get these right, and your funnel will become a sales machine overnight.  

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.