My FLAWLESS lead gen system

I want to share with you a very simple and specific lead generation method I used with a client, that got more leads in a few HOURS than she had got in months.

When we put this into place, my client saw HUNDREDS of leads put up their hands and ask to buy.

They best part is that you can do exactly the same with a simple Facebook post or via email.

In fact, when you get this, you’ll use it to describe everything, from convincing your partner of your movie choices on Netflix, to justifying buying another pair of running trainers.

(That last part is directed at my wife, Oliva.)

If you want to know how to create a killer, compelling and desirable description for your product or service, think about this.

What do your clients brag about?

Better yet. What’s the thing that they feel defines their own success?

Back when I was a kid, the absolute number one valued currency was Pokemon cards.

And there was a new kid at school from Japan who everyone obviously avoided because new people are weird and gross.

Except by lunchtime on his first day, he was without question, the most popular kid in school.


Because of one particular Pokemon card.

He had a shiny Charizard. [anime wow!]

Actually, he had TWO shiny Charizards.

One, he was going to keep, but the other…

He said he’d give it to his best friend at the end of the day.

His status was now sky high.

Because he had something to brag about.

And he was going to help someone else have something to brag about.


So what’s the thing that defines success for your clients?

Leads, sales, clients, speaking engagements?

And you can use this framework, just like my friend Tom with his Pokemon card.

“I help X people, get Y result, in Z time (without X headache).”

I’ll help one kid get a shiny charizard card, by the end of school (without having to buy tons of packs of cards).

Which one of these sounds more appealing?

Which one do you think generates more leads and sales?

  • We grow your brand to explore new innovative potentials and bring your creative ideas to life.
  • We help restaurants grow their social media followings so they can drive more customers.
  • We help restaurants book 30 covers a night without relying on greedy delivery apps

And if you follow this next part, you can start to make real money using your free social media audience, and land clients and sales from Facebook or email, without spending a cent of ads, spamming their DMs or cold calling.

Imagine you’re in a massive stadium. 

Tens of thousands of people all centred around a stage. And you get a chance to promote your business.

Maybe you won a bar bet with Taytay and she owes you a favour.

This is a bit like having a social media audience.

Even if you haven’t built a “following” you still might have people in the audience you can help.

And if you had to promote your business to this stadium of people, what would you do?

Most people would spend their time talking about their business and maybe some of their successes.

But if you’re like me, when someone else starts talking about themselves like that, I switch off.

Instead, I’d ask “is anyone here a father? Raise your hands if you are.”

“And keep them up if you feel you’ve gained a little too much weight since having kids.”

“Keep your hands raised if you’d like to lose that weight, but you’re tired of dieting and dumb exercise fads.”

“Lastly, if this is something you want to fix today, text me on this number.”

I can 100% guarantee you that because you’ve flipped the message, to talk about them, not you, you’ll be inundated with leads.

Here’s something we posted to Facebook.

I’ve got a video showing how X people can get Y result in Z days (without X headache). Who’d like a link?

I’ve got a free video showing agency owners how they can land a $25,000 client in 25 days (even with zero experience). Who’d like a link?

YOU can do this – it’s that simple.

Mike Killen

Mike is the world's #1 sales coach for marketing funnel builders. He helps funnel builders sell marketing funnels to their customers. He is the author of From Single To Scale; How single-person, small and micro-businesses can scale their business to profit. You can find him on Twitter @mike_killen.