Dan is a very normal agency owner and I want to talk about how we helped him hit $10,000/month in recurring monthly revenue within just 21 days.
You see, Dan ran a traditional agency where they found clients, offered them a solution and did the project work.
But he was finding over and over that he had too much month at the end of his money.
By which I mean, he never seemed to have a lot left over.
While he wanted to hire, expand, pay his team more and take some time off himself.
It always felt like he was in a never ending cycle of finding new clients > pitching the work > collecting payments > finding new clients etc.
When Dan first approached me, I did ask him how often he reached out to previous clients.
He said he didn’t really do any outreach, but once every few years, a previous client would email him asking for some updates or help.
But Dan said he’d be nervous reaching out to previous clients, in case they weren’t happy with the last project that he’d delivered.
And that’s when Dan opened up to me.
Dan hadn’t paid HIMSELF in YEARS.
He was living off a few dividend bonuses and his wife’s salary.
Plus, whenever he did make enough money to pay his own bills, he felt guilty that he wasn’t giving that money to his team.
Now Dan DID have experience and skill. He was getting his clients great results.
And while he wasn’t super expensive, his clients were paying a relatively decent fee to work with him.
The problem was that he just kept running out of the money that was being paid.
So he’d have to find another client.
And another.
And on and on it went.
Which only ADDED to his stress, as he knew that each new client was basically a ticking clock until he’d need to find new work.
So of course I asked about his recurring revenue situation and he told me that he had a few clients on some hosting and maintenance plans.
It worked, and brought in a few hundred dollars a month in revenue, but it wasn’t exactly rescuing the business.
He had 8 clients on a $100/month subscription for hosting and security/maintenance.
Which I KNEW would be our saving grace.
So I asked Dan to bring me a list of all his previous clients.
Turns out there were DOZENS of previous companies that he’d worked with.
And I told Dan that we were going to offer a $1000 a month subscription to them, and we wanted 5 clients.
“$5000 a month would literally change my life” Dan told me.
“But…” (and there’s always a big ‘but’) “What would I give them for that $1000?”
My response was to ask them what they’d want.
Dan didn’t have a specific niche or a target market (I can only solve one problem at a time).
But we listed out all his clients and ordered them from “most desirable to work with” to “never ever want to work with them again”.
And Dan and I, methodically, called each business owner starting from the top, to ask them what they were working on.
The more we spoke to them, the more we understood about their business.
And eventually, we found something that they were interested in.
In fact, something that 15 of them were interested in AND would be willing to pay between $1000 and $2000 a month for.
And in this video here, I’ll walk you through exactly what that “thing” is that they wanted to buy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u584M367ho