I want to talk about the billion dollar sales hack that I stole from the largest voucher deal site on the planet AND how I repeatedly use it for my own business and clients, to drive hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales a year.

This is Sharon.
Sharon runs an agency that also has some coaching and consulting.
Sharon used to love creating new products from scratch, building the courses and content and training, then creating long complex email and social campaigns.
Only for the product to flop.
Not a single sale.
So she’d try again.
And again.
And again.
She landed a $36,000 client.
Like most owners, she wanted to earn more money, selling higher ticket products and generating passive income while working less.
The problem was that she was forever stuck in “launch mode”.
You know launch mode.
It’s where you think of a great new product idea, and you get all excited to launch it BUT you end up spending HOURS working on the product, only for it to fail.
But what made it worse is that she had no idea how to break the launch cycle.
So I shared with her the seven figure strategy that I used to launch ANY kind of product or service, test it, make sales, and automate the selling – without creating anything from scratch.
And even better?
You don’t spend any time building the product – so if it does flop. You haven’t wasted any time.
By the way, I’ve actually copied this entire campaign and made it available to anyone who signs up to a 30 day free trial of HighLevel using my link gohighlevel.com/mike-killen – but more on that later.
So what about the billion dollar voucher company that I stole the sales hack from?
In 2008 this company had a simple WordPress blog where they’d write about a deal and sell it.
You know, something like 2-for-1 pizza and people buy a voucher to use at the restaurant.
At the time, this company wrote up the deal on a blog and then after you bought it, would manually upload a PDF and email it to you with the deal details.
You see, the owner, Andrew, knew that people would deal with a little clunkiness if the offer was good enough.
An ugly advert to the right audience will always convert better than a beautiful advert to the wrong audience.
The name of the company?
The Point.
You’ve never heard of them?
Oh that’s because they renamed it to Groupon and became a global sensation.
And yes – they started with the OWNER manually uploading the PDF to the website and collecting payments via PayPal.
Now obviously Groupon operates very differently now – and they did move away from the manual PDF upload method very quickly.
But it proved two extremely important points.
- People will do anything for free pizza
- Good enough, is good enough.
So how does this help you and Sharon?
Well what Groupon and Andrew did which was so smart, was use the most basic version of the experience to prove that buyers would want vouchers.
All too often I see business owners create complex and intricate sales campaigns and products, only to have them generate zero dollars in sales.
So I copied Groupon’s method and decided to create a product, sell it, AND deliver it – with no sales page, no VSL, no squeeze page, or landing pages.
I didn’t even have an actual product for people to buy.
My offer was simple and specific.
Like the 2-for-1 pizza offer.
But Sharon wasn’t selling something simple and specific.
So that meant that she’d over-invest her time in other areas to try and compensate for a lack of clarity.
As entrepreneurs, we’ll overcomplicate the campaigns, marketing and assets when we’re not 100% clear on the offer.
I know this sounds counterintuitive – but it happens all the time.
I want you to think back to the last product or service you launched and ask yourself:
“Did I spend ages creating the product, SOPs, sales pages and campaigns because deep down I didn’t know what the specific offer is?”
How often have you committed everything you’ve got to creating a product and service, making all the assets beautiful, launching it, and…absolutely nothing?
When we’re unsure of what the offer is, we focus on other activities.
So with Sharon, we flipped that.
Now Sharon had a specific and simple offer.
She helps businesses uncover hidden six figure revenue in their business.
And the sales process?
A Google doc outlining the offer, what the result is and who it’s perfect for.
Plus a price.
The result?
Sharon earned $50,000 in three months.
If you want a copy of the document, campaigns, and emails that I used for my product that did over $36,000 in one week alone – head over to gohighlevel.com/mike-killen and sign up for a free 30 day trial of the software.