What “enjoying” the process did for my life and business 

By Mike Killen / February 26, 2024

Enjoying the process means embracing the suck.  I know that most of the tasks that I have laid out in order to grow my business aren’t particularly enjoyable. But when I made the conscious decision to lean in and start embracing the fact that it’s uncomfortable (and I’m getting things wrong and I’m not enjoying…

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 I tricked people into paying me big bucks

By Mike Killen / February 23, 2024

The sensible logical route to getting more high paying clients is: Reads like it makes sense, right? But what if I told you there’s another way. A faster way. It seems to make sense that experience is tied to income. And in some circles, that’s correct. Being an employee for example.  Do good work, run…

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Stop Guessing, Your Customers Will TELL You What to Sell

By Mike Killen / February 21, 2024

Wanna know what your audience wants? Ask them. No, seriously, stop overthinking. Forget your sexy brand names. Forget agency models or coaching or courses. Wanna know their #1 problem? The one they’d literally throw money at to solve? Ask. Them. It’s not rocket science, folks. I’ve done it, and it’s like being handed a golden…

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6-Figures Isn’t Magic, It’s Just Math

By Mike Killen / February 20, 2024

Breaking news: A 6-figure business is just a math problem. Let’s cut it into four chewable pieces. First, monthly income—shoot for at least $8,500. Keep 6 clients happy; it’s easier than making 6 new sales. Price point? Start at $1,500 per month, no less. Do the math: 6 clients at $1,500 equals $9,000 a month.…

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Your “Dream” Business Model is a Lie

By Mike Killen / February 19, 2024

Listen up, this is big. I chased the “best” business model for years. Multiple 6-figures in coaching. And guess what? I was miserable. Not because I wasn’t successful. But because I was playing someone else’s game. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was building a business to impress other coaches. You see,…

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Overcoming my biggest business challenge

By Mike Killen / February 13, 2024

Without question, the biggest challenge I’ve overcome in my business was (and still is) – total financial control. I used to find that money was like water. It’d slip through my hands and, no matter how much I had, I always seemed to end up with £0 in the bank account. No matter how big…

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When I started to feel like a business owner

By Mike Killen / February 5, 2024

One day I might feel like a business owner, but most of the time I feel like a guy just pretending to be one. Eventually, I’ll be found out. And that’s fine. It’ll probably feel like being caught decades later after an art heist. I’d been looking over my shoulder for so long, that eventually…

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No such thing as a million dollar idea

By Mike Killen / February 2, 2024

Million dollar ideas are a dime-a-dozen. Million dollar execution is worth its weight in gold. My friend and past mentor, Miles Beckler, used to have a saying: “There’s no such thing as a million dollar idea, just million dollar execution.” I have seen people with mediocre, middle of the road ideas absolutely CRUSH their goals,…

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The steps I took to leave my “J.O.B”

By Mike Killen / January 31, 2024

There was a period during my business where frankly, the work wasn’t coming in and I wasn’t making any money. I was still living at home, I had a girlfriend (now my wife) and I was totally flat broke. So I did the exact opposite of what I had preached for the last few years.…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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