If you want a strong niche, stop listening to feedback

By Mike Killen / April 8, 2024

Something I’ve noticed more and more recently is my desire to dig deep into my community and niche and figure out what I can do to help them more. The more people who join YouTube and create content for agencies (and there are dozens of them), the more I realise how important it is to…

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Best “non-business” business book

By Mike Killen / April 4, 2024

There’s an unspoken assumption. Every great business book is about… business. But that’s not always true. Sometimes, the deepest lessons are off the beaten path. Enter, “The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. It’s not a strategy book. Nor is it about tactics. It’s a delve into the human psyche. A…

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Start these businesses with ZERO experience

By Mike Killen / April 3, 2024

I’ve observed something that has completely changed my life. Experience is a double-edged sword. I pondered the significance of “experience”. But then, an insight struck. Instead of showcasing “learned” knowledge, Why not show what’s being learned? Welcome people into your journey. In essence, swap “experience” for experiences. Here’s how it’s done. Dive into affiliate marketing.…

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You’re Leaving Money on the Table, Here’s How

By Mike Killen / April 2, 2024

Once, I was chatting with a group of struggling affiliate marketers. Their pain point? Sales were a ghost they couldn’t catch. Being curious, I asked, “How often are you emailing your list?” Crickets. A staggering majority confessed, “We’re not building a list, and we don’t know how.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. So,…

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You’re Not Who You Think You Are…

By Mike Killen / April 1, 2024

Once upon a time, my therapist dropped a bombshell on me. There are three versions of you, she said. Who you aspire to be, who you actually are, and who you project yourself to be for the world. I envisioned myself as a successful entrepreneur, a creator, a deliverer of a product I’d lovingly crafted.…

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3 lazy ways to grow your revenue

By Mike Killen / March 29, 2024

Ever had a revelation from the least expected source? Here’s a story for you. I was chatting with the finance director of a massive consulting firm. She quizzed me, “Can you help us boost sales?” Honestly? Yes, I can. But here’s the catch. I’ve decided to wind down the coaching and consulting side of my…

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The secret to my most viewed video

By Mike Killen / March 21, 2024

Let me share a little secret about my most-watched videos – they’re far from Hollywood productions. No fancy editing, no perfect lighting, and certainly no picturesque settings. They’re just plain ol’ videos of me, fueled by passion, talking about things that stir the pot. You see, the videos that rack up the views, comments, and…

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What your offers fail

By Mike Killen / March 20, 2024

Have you ever wondered why some offers crush it and others seem to struggle to get any interest at all? Well, I looked back at what transformed my agency from “just another marketing supplier” to “multiple six-figure” and oversubscribed agency within just one year. And what I found out was unbelievably simple. You see what…

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I had to do this 1000 times first

By Mike Killen / March 19, 2024

Let’s talk about scaling a business. It’s one of those goals that every entrepreneur aspires to achieve.  We envision exponential growth, complex strategies, and an ever-expanding array of products and services. But here’s the twist: the key to scaling isn’t found in complexity; it’s rooted in simplicity and repetition. To illustrate this, allow me to…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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