This is what conquers everything

By Mike Killen / February 16, 2024

I think my compulsion comes from needing to “conquer myself”. To get 1% better each time. I don’t like yesterday’s Mike. He’s lazy.  He’s greedy. He’s selfish and arrogant and argumentative. But he has some good qualities too. He’s thoughtful and reflective. He’ll give 100% if you give 100%. I want to move 1% more…

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Why Doing Less Gets More Done

By Mike Killen / February 15, 2024

In many ways, I’m a mess. A writer? Not my strongest suit. Business owner? Questionable at best. Yet, here’s a surprise. Despite all my flaws, I ace one thing. I. Get. Shit. Done. The secret? Not multi-tasking. Not hustling 24/7. But a peculiar combination of discipline and meditation. First, I zoom in on my goal,…

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Everything you want is on the other side of fear

By Mike Killen / February 12, 2024

Everything you want is on the other side of fear. It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. I don’t consider myself a particularly skilled marketer. I know I’m not the world’s best business owner. Most of my team know our internal processes better than me. So what exactly is it that I bring…

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How to increase your prices… and why you should

By Mike Killen / February 9, 2024

Look, you want to reach your financial and lifestyle goals, right? So why are you making it harder than it has to be? Let’s do a quick thought experiment: think about your dream holiday. Got it? Now, imagine getting there in 10 painful, disjointed legs, each with different modes of transport. Annoying, inefficient, and stressful,…

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Read this if you’re stuck

By Mike Killen / February 8, 2024

People email me all the time saying, “I’m stuck; what do I do next?” The irony? I can’t tell you what to do next, only you can. The fix for feeling stuck is as mundane as sleeping when you’re tired. Mission statements, visions, values – the terms can be confusing. You’ll get a dozen definitions…

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You’re Invisible Online Because You’re Doing It All Wrong

By Mike Killen / February 7, 2024

You’re putting in the work, and posting content, but getting zilch. You know why? Growing up, my Mum was always on my case about eating my vegetables. “Good for you,” she’d say, and yet, I had zero motivation to eat them. And today we know that more people need to eat more fresh vegetables. So…

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Staying on track in the day to day

By Mike Killen / February 6, 2024

I open Circle to chat to the team, while that’s loading, I bring up WhatsApp web to see if I’ve had any messages. I click on a Facebook link that Olivia sent me and while that’s loading I switch back to Circle. One of the team is asking me to check a page on our…

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No such thing as a million dollar idea

By Mike Killen / February 2, 2024

Million dollar ideas are a dime-a-dozen. Million dollar execution is worth its weight in gold. My friend and past mentor, Miles Beckler, used to have a saying: “There’s no such thing as a million dollar idea, just million dollar execution.” I have seen people with mediocre, middle of the road ideas absolutely CRUSH their goals,…

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The steps I took to leave my “J.O.B”

By Mike Killen / January 31, 2024

There was a period during my business where frankly, the work wasn’t coming in and I wasn’t making any money. I was still living at home, I had a girlfriend (now my wife) and I was totally flat broke. So I did the exact opposite of what I had preached for the last few years.…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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