Feel stuck? Read this

By Mike Killen | Jul 26, 2024
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There are days when I feel like I am absolutely overwhelmed and paralysed with choice and work. My to-do list is 1000 items long. It feels like no matter how much work I do, I’m not making any progress. I have a failsafe fool proof method for getting unstuck. It might just change your life.…

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Working More Isn’t the Answer, Saying ‘No’ Is!

By Mike Killen | Jul 25, 2024
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Picture this: Four years ago, I was the epitome of the work-hard mantra. Every waking hour was devoted to work, yet I felt like I was running in place. My calendar? A colourful mosaic of commitments, none of them mine. Then, a revelation from a friend: “That’s not your calendar.” Confused, I realised he was…

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Top 3 funnel conversion hacks

By Mike Killen | Jul 24, 2024
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There’s a common trap in funnel optimization: the belief that more equals better. But here’s a reality check: More often clutters than clarifies. Consider this: A powerhouse squeeze page doesn’t need an essay to convert. My top-performing pages? A single headline with three punchy bullet points. That’s it. Adding more content to a weak headline…

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Why are all these kids more rich than you?

By Mike Killen | Jul 23, 2024
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Spend 8 minutes online and you’ll be bombarded by videos, adverts and posts from 22 year olds who have “cracked the code” and promise you that they’re making $10M a month with “this one simple offer”. And I don’t know about you, but this would confuse me MASSIVELY. What was I doing wrong? Where was…

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5 things you MUST do to succeed

By Mike Killen | Jul 22, 2024
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This is why no one loves you

By Mike Killen | Jul 19, 2024
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There’s an element of linking achievements to self worth. We praise people who “do” a lot and hold them in high regard.  And our thought process can sometimes twist that to become: And this is categorically untrue. This is a modern western sickness in my eyes, the connection between achievements and self worth. I know…

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THE magic bullet process

By Mike Killen | Jul 18, 2024
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This is the truth about the secret magic bullet process that’s going to fix all your problems. If you’re looking for the best process or steps – read this. I spend a lot of time trying to learn the best “way”. Maybe you’re like me and you want to learn from the best. People who…

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Take a paid 2-week vacation

By Mike Killen | Jul 17, 2024
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So I just took 2 weeks off from my own business – the business didn’t collapse, we didn’t lose all our clients or sales. Plus, I gave everyone else in the company a mandatory 2 weeks off. So there was literally no one running the business for 2 weeks. How I did this was actually…

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The meaning of life

By Mike Killen | Jul 16, 2024
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My core fundamental philosophy of life, which is also what I believe the purpose of life to be, is: To be at peace and live in harmony with nature. Nature in this context doesn’t just mean the environment and trees and fruit and stuff. It means “the world as it is”, the present tense. It…

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Do THIS to reach ANY goal

By Mike Killen | Jul 15, 2024
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You can have absolutely everything you want if you follow this very simple process. — This is the hard bit — What’s the absolute most important, most powerful and most meaningful goal? If you could ONLY work on one, which one would you focus on? What tasks need to get done? What are the steps…

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If You Don’t [blank] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | Sep 27, 2016
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If You Don’t [blank] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you launch type email, that you …

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How Any WordPress Business Can sell a marketing funnel to a customer

By Mike Killen | Sep 22, 2016
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All Marketing Funnel Theory is about, is the way we as human beings interact with each other. Marketing funnels are much more intuitive than websites and help clients get the same job done (such as sales, lead generation and lead conversion) on automation and faster than creating traditional websites that often become stagnant and complacent…

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In 5 days you could have result-free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | Sep 20, 2016
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In 5 days you could have [result]– free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you traffic driving/ value stack type email, that you …

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Promoting content to a small list audience

6 reasons to start promoting content – even to an audience of 4 people

By Mike Killen | Sep 15, 2016
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A customer of mine, with over 200 well produced and quality videos, didn’t want to start promoting or posting those videos on YouTube because they only had 4 subscribers. “We want to have more subscribers before we start to put more videos on YouTube” How do you expect to grow your subscriber and follower base…

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SERIOUSLY?! I forgot to give you this! – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | Sep 13, 2016
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SERIOUSLY?! I forgot to give you this! – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and …

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How we run client WordPress meetings

How we run client meetings

By Mike Killen | Sep 8, 2016
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I run a lot of client meetings. I reckon that people find these more valuable than the content or marketing I create, because it keeps them accountable and shows what I’m working on. If there’s one thing that can seriously separate you from your competitiors, it’s your willingness to communicate regularly with your customers. How…

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Stop commenting on facebook wordpress website work leads

Stop commenting on Facebook posts if you want WordPress customers

By Mike Killen | Sep 1, 2016
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Or: How I stopped looking desperate in group posts. If you ever see posts in Facebook groups “I’m looking to get a site done, can anyone help me?” You’ll instantly see hundreds of comments from designers saying “send me a PM” or “I’ve messaged you, I can help”. This post is about how to avoid…

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How I write more content every week than I can publish AND how I make it super easy.

By Mike Killen | Aug 25, 2016
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I promise, that if you read this post, you’ll know exactly how to write ANY blog post, even if you feel you’re struggling from writers block. More importantly, all my content is part of a larger structure that generates me leads and drives growth in my business. Writing content is always hard. Sometimes we suffer…

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Sell a wordpress marketing funnel webinar

6 best business based podcasts for WordPress businesses to listen to

By Mike Killen | Aug 18, 2016
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There’s so much epic, helpful stuff out there that it can be a pain to try and sift through it all. I tend to get a lot of my inspiration, help and news from podcasts that I listen to in the car, out running, at the gym or procrastinating at home. The thing I love…

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increase conversions, mailchimp marketing funnel

Increase conversions through MailChimp’s pre-filled data forms

By Mike Killen | Aug 11, 2016
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When it comes to marketing online, reducing friction in the experience is the name of the game. So, when you need to collect important data to record a registration or make a sale, one way to increase the odds of completing the transaction and closing the deal is to use pre-populated form data, instead of…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

Use our most popular free tool for calculating the exact price you should be charging for your marketing funnels