Productivity Is a Myth and I Can Prove It

By Mike Killen | Jul 5, 2024
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So, a buddy of mine wants to know my “productivity secrets.” Listen up: Productivity is a damn lie. It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing LESS. My one job? Content. That’s it. Everything else—yeah, even replying to your emails—goes on my “stop list.” Updating the website? Stop list. Basically, if it ain’t content, I’m…

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60% done is done

By Mike Killen | Jul 4, 2024
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Good enough is good enough. 100% complete and “done” is never ever going to happen. We had plans for a sophisticated and detailed coaching program for agencies on how to build revenue and land clients, complete with workbooks, coaching calls, office hours, AI tools, community forums, and more. And as we kept adding more and…

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Peace is wealth

By Mike Killen | Jul 3, 2024
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Let’s clear the air right now: I don’t want to be famous. No, I’m not dreaming of rolling in a Bentley, living in a mansion, or flying in private jets. Here’s my dream: A calm, simple life with absolutely zero drama. Sounds too humble? Let me paint you a picture. Imagine feeling a little stressed…

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I was ashamed to admit this

By Mike Killen | Jul 2, 2024
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Here’s a snapshot from a not-so-proud moment of mine. I was in a terrible mood. Olivia caught me snapping over trivial stuff. It got to a point where she had to intervene. “Why so edgy?” she inquired. Like many, my reflex response was “nothing”. But Olivia wasn’t having it. She handed me a notepad, “Pour…

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Stop giving me advice about cancer

By Mike Killen | Jul 1, 2024
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You’re killing your credibility when you talk about things outside your wheelhouse. Here’s how to fix it. Bear with me on this one, because it delves into prejudice, assumptions and judgement. All of which are things we like to think that we’re above. So I was at a networking event a little while back and…

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My TOP tools for working 2024

By Mike Killen | Jun 21, 2024
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The first tool I use EVERY day is a little tool called ChatG– I’m joking.  Although I do use ChatGPT literally every day.  However the tool I use most is called is like what I want the internet to be. It’s essentially a notetaking app that is designed to be your second brain.…

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By Mike Killen | Jun 20, 2024
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YouTube is AWASH with children telling you that there is a new type of agency that’s “crushing it” and that you all need to jump on board. A.I. Automation Agencies. Social Media Marketing Agencies. SFCA, IPGA… Ignore all of them. Because they’re totally missing the point. Your agency should not be defined by the type…

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12 lessons from 12 years

By Mike Killen | Jun 19, 2024
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I’ve been running a business for 12 years. These are the most important lessons I’ve learned.

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Close a $25,000 project with no proposal

By Mike Killen | Jun 18, 2024
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In the last 2 years, I’ve closed (personally) over $700,000 worth of coaching, marketing, service and consulting proposals EACH with a price tag of around $25,000. I don’t write a proposal. I don’t give an estimate or portfolio. I do it with an extremely simple and straightforward call method where the customer asks to buy…

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How to make actual passive income as an agency

By Mike Killen | Jun 17, 2024
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Passive, recurring income is like…the golden holy grail of running an agency. Let me break down how you can actually, realistically do this AND show you the plan I used to create a business that supports my life and goals. So first I think it’s important to understand how most agencies (indeed, most businesses) work…

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ways to deal with difficult customers camera guy

5 ways to deal with ‘I’ll know when I see it’ customers.

By Mike Killen | Aug 13, 2014
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By Michael Killen from Sell your service. Who is this post for? If you’re a graphic or web designer, we’ve all had customers who say ‘just get me something over, and if I don’t like it, I’ll let you know’.  This post is all about how to deal with them and most importantly, prevent ever…

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questions every WEBSITE DESIGNER should ask their customer

6 questions every WEBSITE DESIGNER should ask their brand new customer.

By Mike Killen | Aug 11, 2014
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By Michael Killen from Sell your service. Who is this post for? If you’re a web designer and you’ve just landed a new customer (first of all, awesome work, well done), you’re in the process of talking about websites, these are the 6 questions you should ask every new customer. I’ll assume that you already have…

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How to create blog posts that SELL websites

By Mike Killen | Aug 4, 2014
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By Michael Killen of Sell Your Service. Your blog posts can position, market and sell your website design/development service.   Who is this post for? This post is for ANY website designer and developer who is unclear on the process of blogging.  What does it do?  How do it do it?  How can it benefit me and provide value. Blog posts…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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