How I landed my first clients with a 10,000-word case study

By Mike Killen | Sep 6, 2024
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I’ve had people ask about the impact of a $10,000 case study, and there’s a particular turning point in my agency that I can clearly remember. It worked so well that I ended up using the same strategy twice at Sell Your Service. After choosing our niche—insurance companies that wanted to generate more leads—we focused…

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How I Made $10K in a Day

By Mike Killen | Sep 5, 2024
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When we had to come up with a significant amount of cash quickly, I didn’t turn to productivity hacks—I turned to efficiency. I created a sales process so powerful that it allowed us to generate $10,000 in a single day from a product that barely existed. How did I do it? I built a simple…

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Why you should sell your product before it’s even built

By Mike Killen | Sep 4, 2024
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If you’ve heard of platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you know the concept: people invest in a product before it’s live. Every successful product I’ve launched has followed this same principle—I sell them before I build them. To many, this seems counterintuitive, even impossible to grasp. But if you’re thinking of starting an agency or…

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Why video is the only trend that matters right now

By Mike Killen | Sep 3, 2024
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AI is making waves, especially when it comes to content creation and video production. But without a doubt, the biggest industry trend remains video. Video is set to become the lynchpin for most businesses going forward, and while it can feel intimidating to dive into, it’s absolutely essential. People often say that AI will make…

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Why I walked away from my successful coaching business

By Mike Killen | Sep 2, 2024
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In 2022, I started realising that I was unhappy with how my business was running. It wasn’t because of the people or my team. For whatever reason, running a coaching company just wasn’t fulfilling anymore. I’d been at it for months, but the hardest part wasn’t the work—it was accepting a truth I didn’t want…

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How I guarantee results

By Mike Killen | Aug 30, 2024
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When a new client pays the deposit, I follow a method I call the “15 Rule.” It’s simple but incredibly effective. First, I get them on a call within the first 15 minutes. Next, I schedule another call within the first 15 hours. And then, another call within the first 15 days. In fact, I…

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How I stop clients from overstepping boundaries

By Mike Killen | Aug 29, 2024
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When it comes to scope creep, one of two things happens. The client sends you an email, maybe on a Saturday or Sunday, asking, “Hey, can you check this out?” or “Can we add this webpage?” It’s tempting to think, “I’ll just do it this one time to help them out.” But that’s how scope…

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Why this tool transformed my entire business

By Mike Killen | Aug 28, 2024
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There’s a reason I keep promoting HighLevel as a game changer for agencies. And no, it’s not just because I earn affiliate commissions. In fact, I was promoting HighLevel long before I ever became an affiliate. So, why is HighLevel such a revolutionary tool for my business? It comes down to two main reasons. First,…

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I walked away from six figures and here’s why

By Mike Killen | Aug 27, 2024
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Last year, I made a decision that might seem reckless to some, but it was one of the most important moves of my life. I chose to pivot our business completely away from coaching, even though we were pulling in multiple six figures a year. You see, despite the financial success, I wasn’t happy, and…

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Stressed out? Try this simple Monday routine

By Mike Killen | Aug 26, 2024
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The last few weeks in our business have been nothing short of chaotic. We’ve faced turmoil, endless changes, and a lot of ups and downs. I’ve been away, other team members have been away, and it feels like we’ve been fighting fires every day. So how do you stay productive when everything around you is…

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Listen to this sales tip because it can convert ANY customer

By Mike Killen | Aug 8, 2024
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A lot of salespeople approach selling to the customers like winning a battle. It’s a very macho kind of eighties thing that you’ve got to close people and get them to agree with you. But in actual fact, what you need to do is understand that you’re on the same side of the table as the customer. Stop…

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If I had to make $5000 in 7 days

By Mike Killen | Aug 7, 2024
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If I categorically had to make $5000 in 7 days, here’s what I’d do. And I get it.  Sometimes, your business needs that injection of cash. But it’s more than that. Because if you can do it once, you can do it 10 times. 100 times. Start here: I missed out “qualification” on this list…

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When I ignore family I get more work done

By Mike Killen | Aug 6, 2024
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During a period like this, I understand that a lot of families are working together. They’re in the same household and it can feel a bit restrictive. Which is why Liv knows that from 9 am till 12 noon, that is office time. It’s uninterrupted time. It’s focused time. It means that she doesn’t ask for help with anything. She is…

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51 things I’ve got better at

By Mike Killen | Aug 5, 2024
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I keep track of everything I try to do 1% better each time I release a new YouTube video.  I’m not going to start teaching how to do YouTube, but I did want to share just how many things can make a 1% difference.  Stack them up over time and it makes a massive change.…

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20 steps to land a $25,000 client

By Mike Killen | Aug 2, 2024
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1. Decide how much money you want/need to make 2. Divide that number by $25,000. That’s how many clients you need 3. Define a specific group of people that you’re going to help 4. They need 3 things: 1. To be able to afford you, 2. You can get them great results and 3. You…

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Get used to doing THIS if you want to win more negotiation

By Mike Killen | Aug 1, 2024
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One of the reasons that negotiations fail is because you end up thinking people are going to think I’m rude or weird if I continue down this pathway. This is something my stepdad taught me. He actually had no care whatsoever. Absolutely no care whatsoever of what people thought of him because he would go…

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Do this if you actually want to grow

By Mike Killen | Jul 31, 2024
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It occurred to me that I’ve never shared this one CRITICAL activity that I do, multiple times a week, that basically guarantees growth. If you’ve ever wondered what some people/businesses do that’s different from everyone else – it’ll be this. And the best part?  It’s totally free. A few years back I made the shift…

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5 things I learned closing my 6 figure business

By Mike Killen | Jul 30, 2024
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In 2023 I decided to shut down the successful, profitable, multiple six figure coaching business that I had run since about 2017. Here’s 5 things I learned in that process. For the most part, my coaching clients (ex- clients now I guess) were very very supportive. I miss all of them and speaking to them…

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Can you answer these 27 questions about your business?

By Mike Killen | Jul 29, 2024
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These 27 questions are FUNDAMENTAL if you want to close more clients. If you don’t know the answer to these then you need to find them.

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Feel stuck? Read this

By Mike Killen | Jul 26, 2024
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There are days when I feel like I am absolutely overwhelmed and paralysed with choice and work. My to-do list is 1000 items long. It feels like no matter how much work I do, I’m not making any progress. I have a failsafe fool proof method for getting unstuck. It might just change your life.…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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