How I landed my first clients with a 10,000-word case study

By Mike Killen | Sep 6, 2024
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I’ve had people ask about the impact of a $10,000 case study, and there’s a particular turning point in my agency that I can clearly remember. It worked so well that I ended up using the same strategy twice at Sell Your Service. After choosing our niche—insurance companies that wanted to generate more leads—we focused…

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How I Made $10K in a Day

By Mike Killen | Sep 5, 2024
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When we had to come up with a significant amount of cash quickly, I didn’t turn to productivity hacks—I turned to efficiency. I created a sales process so powerful that it allowed us to generate $10,000 in a single day from a product that barely existed. How did I do it? I built a simple…

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Why you should sell your product before it’s even built

By Mike Killen | Sep 4, 2024
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If you’ve heard of platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you know the concept: people invest in a product before it’s live. Every successful product I’ve launched has followed this same principle—I sell them before I build them. To many, this seems counterintuitive, even impossible to grasp. But if you’re thinking of starting an agency or…

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Why video is the only trend that matters right now

By Mike Killen | Sep 3, 2024
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AI is making waves, especially when it comes to content creation and video production. But without a doubt, the biggest industry trend remains video. Video is set to become the lynchpin for most businesses going forward, and while it can feel intimidating to dive into, it’s absolutely essential. People often say that AI will make…

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Why I walked away from my successful coaching business

By Mike Killen | Sep 2, 2024
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In 2022, I started realising that I was unhappy with how my business was running. It wasn’t because of the people or my team. For whatever reason, running a coaching company just wasn’t fulfilling anymore. I’d been at it for months, but the hardest part wasn’t the work—it was accepting a truth I didn’t want…

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How I guarantee results

By Mike Killen | Aug 30, 2024
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When a new client pays the deposit, I follow a method I call the “15 Rule.” It’s simple but incredibly effective. First, I get them on a call within the first 15 minutes. Next, I schedule another call within the first 15 hours. And then, another call within the first 15 days. In fact, I…

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How I stop clients from overstepping boundaries

By Mike Killen | Aug 29, 2024
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When it comes to scope creep, one of two things happens. The client sends you an email, maybe on a Saturday or Sunday, asking, “Hey, can you check this out?” or “Can we add this webpage?” It’s tempting to think, “I’ll just do it this one time to help them out.” But that’s how scope…

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Why this tool transformed my entire business

By Mike Killen | Aug 28, 2024
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There’s a reason I keep promoting HighLevel as a game changer for agencies. And no, it’s not just because I earn affiliate commissions. In fact, I was promoting HighLevel long before I ever became an affiliate. So, why is HighLevel such a revolutionary tool for my business? It comes down to two main reasons. First,…

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I walked away from six figures and here’s why

By Mike Killen | Aug 27, 2024
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Last year, I made a decision that might seem reckless to some, but it was one of the most important moves of my life. I chose to pivot our business completely away from coaching, even though we were pulling in multiple six figures a year. You see, despite the financial success, I wasn’t happy, and…

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Stressed out? Try this simple Monday routine

By Mike Killen | Aug 26, 2024
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The last few weeks in our business have been nothing short of chaotic. We’ve faced turmoil, endless changes, and a lot of ups and downs. I’ve been away, other team members have been away, and it feels like we’ve been fighting fires every day. So how do you stay productive when everything around you is…

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Talking of [result] – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | Jun 28, 2016
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Talking of [result] – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and content, that you can use in …

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What makes How To Publish Like A Huge Content Creation Team (When It’s Really Just You) a killer, epic blog post?

By Mike Killen | Jun 23, 2016
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They introduce the blog post with a sales letter. It’s SO compelling that I was sure it was going to have an opt-in to access the post. It didn’t and that was a HUGE relief. Not that I mind signing up, but the case they made spoke to me so clearly that I wanted access…

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marketing funnels are a must have, marketing funnels for business

Marketing funnels – it’s a must have for your marketing

By Mike Killen | Jun 22, 2016
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You need a marketing funnel if you want to grow your business. Marketing is all about growing your business and the fastest way to do that, is with a marketing funnel. However it isn’t as simple as that. If you’re just getting started with marketing funnels, it can be tough to figure out where to…

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Have you seen this yet? – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | Jun 21, 2016
Posted in , , Have you seen this yet? – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and content, that you can use in your WordPress business for your marketing automation and your customers email marketing to get results If you want free email…

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wheel, marketing funnel, lead magnets, landing page

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Killer Lead Magnets That Get Results

By Mike Killen | Jun 16, 2016
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We all know those moments where synapses suddenly connect and make perfect sense. Suddenly the barrier that existed has been replaced with a fresh new idea that was nowhere to be found only moments before. We call these “ah ha” moments. It’s as though the proverbial light bulb has switched on and the darkness has…

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The definitive guide for creating outstanding landing pages in WordPress, with copy and content that generates more email sign ups

By Mike Killen | Jun 16, 2016
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I’m going to show you how to create a high converting, eye-catching and lead generating landing page inside ANY WordPress website. We’re going to cover the exact copy and content that you need. How to write that copy fast and without getting writers block.  Also, how to put the page together and what we use…

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Stop writing blog posts, WordPress


By Mike Killen | Jun 16, 2016
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Crazy Ol’ Mike Killen. That’s what they call me ‘round these parts. I hear folks aren’t too keen on what I’m talkin’ cus they ain’t believe that I got all my faculties, so to speak. See, I done reckon that writing blog posts for yer site, it’s like diggin’ for gold in a tree trunk.…

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Melbourne Australia, WordPress marketing,

6 things Melbourne gets beautifully right and 5 things it gets horribly wrong.

By Mike Killen | Jun 9, 2016
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Recently I was in Melbourne for work with a customer. We’re building a marketing funnel and accountability process using some pretty awesome (if not complicated and unexplored) content marketing tactics. I’ve never been to Melbourne or even Australia before so it was somewhat of an eye-opener. I was traveling with my girlfriend Liv and we…

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X people have taken this step – free email marketing copy

By Mike Killen | Jun 7, 2016
Posted in , , X people have taken this step – free email marketing copy – Sell your service – Mike Killen Today I’m giving you a free email type email copy and content, that you can use in your WordPress business for your marketing automation and your customers email marketing to get results If you want free…

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innovate new products, marketing funnel automation, wordpress

The $25000 question that forces you to innovate new products that you can sell

By Mike Killen | Jun 2, 2016
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*Note: there’s some pretty bad language in this post. An f-bomb or two. So Mum, if you’re reading, know that I cleaned my mouth with soap. I’m going to give you $25000 tomorrow and I want results. It’s as simple as that. When you wake up, you’ll be $25000 richer and deposited into your bank…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

Use our most popular free tool for calculating the exact price you should be charging for your marketing funnels