The fastest way to test an offer without spending a penny on ads 

By Mike Killen | Oct 22, 2024
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I want to show you a quick and cheap way to validate your offer without spending a fortune on ads.   A lot of funnel gurus will tell you that running ads is the only way to scale your business.   But here’s the problem—ads don’t work if your offer is untested.   So, here’s a simple method…

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Are You Missing This $10K a Month Shortcut?

By Mike Killen | Oct 21, 2024
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For many agencies, the road to financial freedom starts with recurring revenue—money that comes in month after month without extra effort.   I’ve worked with businesses stuck at zero, and even seven-figure earners who still lacked consistent income streams.   The real shift happens when you stop chasing one-off projects and build an offer that keeps clients…

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The simple strategy to turn one client into five

By Mike Killen | Oct 18, 2024
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I’m going to show you how you can use your existing clients to dramatically increase the number of people you work with.   Let’s say you’ve got just one client right now—maybe they run a print-on-demand business.   Here’s the easiest way to turn that one client into five.   Ask them: “Do you know five or six…

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Getting started is the hardest part… here’s how to make it easy

By Mike Killen | Oct 17, 2024
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They say the hardest part of going to the gym is putting your trainers on. I totally agree. Without question, the hardest part about working out at 5am…is waking up at 5am. My bed is warm. I’m cozy and surrounded by soft luxurious pillows. My garage or gym is cold. I have to get changed,…

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I CHEATED – here’s how I create content ideas

By Mike Killen | Oct 16, 2024
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I want to share the top 3 places I search, when I want to find out what content my customers (you guys) want me to create. Blank page syndrome is where you KNOW you need to create something, but the creativity and ideas are just…stuck. Some people feel that if they just had ONE good…

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These are my top 4 apps for agency owners

By Mike Killen | Oct 15, 2024
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#1: ClickUp Clickup is halfway between project management, automation and a list taking tool. Some people are crazy overwhelmed by ClickUp and that’s fair. I am too sometimes. But it’s a great place for me to throw my ideas, problems and roadblocks and have the team turn them into actions, documents and SOPs. #2: I use…

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The easiest way to instantly boost your email conversions

By Mike Killen | Oct 14, 2024
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I’m going to share a simple tweak that will dramatically increase your revenue without overhauling your entire marketing strategy.   When I learned this, it added six figures to my business almost overnight.   Here’s what you need to do: send the exact same campaign again.   As marketers, we often crave novelty.   We’re always looking for something…

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If they hate you or laugh at you – that means you’re winning

By Mike Killen | Oct 11, 2024
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You’ve got your number in mind. You know what you want. You’ve gone in there and told them what you want. You’ve said, “I want a hundred grand for this project.” Immediately they’ve started laughing. They’ve started getting angry. Then you think, “Oh my God, they’re going to completely reject us.” That’s good. If you can get used to hearing people saying, “Oh…

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Overcome objections and handle sales objections like THIS

By Mike Killen | Oct 10, 2024
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Whenever a customer gives you a NO and a reason why they won’t buy from you, that’s an objection. Here’s how I turn objections. First of all, I don’t argue with the customer. I agree with them. The next thing I do is I acknowledge their objection. I acknowledge their complaint and I say, “Yep, that’s definitely something that we…

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The fastest way to build high-converting landing pages

By Mike Killen | Oct 9, 2024
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Time is money, so let me show you a fast, actionable method for building landing pages that drive sales without the fluff.   The quickest way to create a landing page? Don’t stress over design, layout, or whether to include video.   This applies to opt-in pages, sales pages, free offers, webinars—you name it.   The only three…

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Success is not a commodity motivation

Success is not a commodity

By Mike Killen | Feb 10, 2017
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In 2013 I was sent dozens of emails from a local, small time business, telling me to stop running my business. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of the emails left, I probably deleted them after having a good laugh months later. At the time, I was pretty disheartened. I wish I had kept copies because…

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sell products splinter products content silo

How to sell more products and splinter products – our entire process

By Mike Killen | Feb 9, 2017
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This. Is. Everything. Absolutely every step, every process and every guide we use to sell splinter products and scalable products. Scalable products are digital, virtual and non-physical based products and services that I could sell 1000 in a day and not have to run around delivering them. eBooks, courses, templates, guides etc. Connecting more of…

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monthly planning for your wordpress business

Monthly planning for your WordPress business in under 19 minutes

By Mike Killen | Feb 8, 2017
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One of the most common questions I’m asked is “how do I plan my month by month activities?” We start each new quarter (every 3 months of the year), with a 12-week plan. We get our high-level goals, activities and what we want down on that 12-week plan. We also have our tactics brainstormed for…

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How you can plan your week to be 10x more effective and productive

By Mike Killen | Feb 3, 2017
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Ever feel like you’re just busy, but not really accomplishing anything? Maybe you find yourself saying “I need 8 more hours a day” just so you can get done, what you need done. We’re going to make your week up to 10x more effective and productive, with some very very simple steps. A lot of…

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How we design our product and service pages – Building a WordPress business diary

By Mike Killen | Feb 2, 2017
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Selling a complicated service or product via a page on a website can be a daunting task. I’ve shown you how we write the product page copy, I’ll include a link to …

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wordpress business scale products sell create

How any WordPress businesses can create more products to sell… Even if you’ve only ever sold websites!

By Mike Killen | Feb 2, 2017
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The key to building scalable products, as a single person or micro business, is using what you’ve got already. Everything you do is already designed to be built and delivered by one person. Usually to another small or micro business as a customer. Even if you consult large companies, you’re probably only dealing with smaller…

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Motivate WordPress business vision purpose

Why your WordPress business doesn’t motivate you (sometimes)

By Mike Killen | Jan 30, 2017
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Have you ever wondered why you lack motivation sometimes? Have you ever felt that your WordPress business just doesn’t gain traction, or excite you like it used to? It’s not your fault, by the way. Our society values novelty and new things above commitment and drive. We’ve lost our inherent ability to derive purpose and…

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WordPress marketing funnel coaching sell your service

Coaching call #1 – The Shake Up

By Mike Killen | Jan 26, 2017
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This is the first lesson in our new Sell Your Service Coaching Program. No optins, just the coaching call below. The next 4 coaching calls will be publicly available to join, totally free of charge. Every Thursday at 2pm UK time. The calls WILL be recorded, but only available to Gameplan members and Coaching members.…

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marketing funnel service price in pitch

Should you give the price of your marketing funnel in your pitch or save it for the proposal?

By Mike Killen | Jan 26, 2017
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“One final question if I may – do you actually give the price in the presentation… as on a slide on the screen or do you save the price for the proposal?” This question was asked by a friend of mine recently, we were talking about selling marketing funnels and how it often required a…

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marketing funnel content plan blog post wordpress

How Any WordPress Businesses Can Create An Entire Killer Content Marketing Funnel In As Little As 1 Hour (and of course, teach to your customers)

By Mike Killen | Jan 23, 2017
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Imagine being able to create 100 content ideas FAST and the easiest method of writing each post which you could copy and repeat. I truly hate the word “content”. It’s dry, it doesn’t have context. It’s overused and most importantly, it’s like creating a product. You can build as many widgets as you like, but…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

Use our most popular free tool for calculating the exact price you should be charging for your marketing funnels