Peace is wealth

By Mike Killen | Jul 3, 2024
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Let’s clear the air right now: I don’t want to be famous. No, I’m not dreaming of rolling in a Bentley, living in a mansion, or flying in private jets. Here’s my dream: A calm, simple life with absolutely zero drama. Sounds too humble? Let me paint you a picture. Imagine feeling a little stressed…

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I was ashamed to admit this

By Mike Killen | Jul 2, 2024
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Here’s a snapshot from a not-so-proud moment of mine. I was in a terrible mood. Olivia caught me snapping over trivial stuff. It got to a point where she had to intervene. “Why so edgy?” she inquired. Like many, my reflex response was “nothing”. But Olivia wasn’t having it. She handed me a notepad, “Pour…

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Stop giving me advice about cancer

By Mike Killen | Jul 1, 2024
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You’re killing your credibility when you talk about things outside your wheelhouse. Here’s how to fix it. Bear with me on this one, because it delves into prejudice, assumptions and judgement. All of which are things we like to think that we’re above. So I was at a networking event a little while back and…

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My TOP tools for working 2024

By Mike Killen | Jun 21, 2024
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The first tool I use EVERY day is a little tool called ChatG– I’m joking.  Although I do use ChatGPT literally every day.  However the tool I use most is called is like what I want the internet to be. It’s essentially a notetaking app that is designed to be your second brain.…

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By Mike Killen | Jun 20, 2024
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YouTube is AWASH with children telling you that there is a new type of agency that’s “crushing it” and that you all need to jump on board. A.I. Automation Agencies. Social Media Marketing Agencies. SFCA, IPGA… Ignore all of them. Because they’re totally missing the point. Your agency should not be defined by the type…

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12 lessons from 12 years

By Mike Killen | Jun 19, 2024
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I’ve been running a business for 12 years. These are the most important lessons I’ve learned.

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Close a $25,000 project with no proposal

By Mike Killen | Jun 18, 2024
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In the last 2 years, I’ve closed (personally) over $700,000 worth of coaching, marketing, service and consulting proposals EACH with a price tag of around $25,000. I don’t write a proposal. I don’t give an estimate or portfolio. I do it with an extremely simple and straightforward call method where the customer asks to buy…

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How to make actual passive income as an agency

By Mike Killen | Jun 17, 2024
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Passive, recurring income is like…the golden holy grail of running an agency. Let me break down how you can actually, realistically do this AND show you the plan I used to create a business that supports my life and goals. So first I think it’s important to understand how most agencies (indeed, most businesses) work…

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Make $50,000 in 30 Days

By Mike Killen | Jun 14, 2024
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What if there was a game-changing and explosive secret that all the agency YouTubers and internet marketers were keeping hidden from you? A secret that could EASILY skyrocket your agency revenue, but they don’t want you to learn it because if you did, you’d never ever need to buy one of their marketing courses ever…

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Make $2000 in 24 hours

By Mike Killen | Jun 13, 2024
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Starting a business that generates $2000 a day might sound daunting, but there’s a powerful strategy that can help you achieve this with significantly less effort. Imagine setting up a system within a few days that not only makes this possible but also allows your time to work ratio to decrease over time while your…

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Revealing The Truth Behind Powerful Connections

By Mike Killen | Dec 19, 2023
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There’s an influential force in my approach to communication, a kind of “open secret” that you’ve been experiencing throughout our interactions. Curious to know what that is? It’s vulnerability, a tool often misunderstood and rarely utilised correctly. Now, when I say vulnerability, don’t get the wrong idea.  It’s not about laying bare every fleeting emotion…

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Overcoming conflict in the business

By Mike Killen | Dec 18, 2023
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I used to dread my standing call at 11 am. It was with a sales guy who just…rubbed me the wrong way. He was brash, abrasive, cocky, and most of all, he made me feel bad about myself. He would constantly criticise the business and how I was running it. Despite being years younger than…

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Did I always know I’d be an entrepreneur?

By Mike Killen | Dec 15, 2023
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Look, when I was at school (when I would turn up), running a business was something rich people did. It is not what normal people did. You don’t start a business Michael (I was Michael at school).  Besides, what do you know about running a business? Your grades are pretty mediocre, you’re not that smart…

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Fastest agency lead gen secrets (this got me over 300 leads)

By Mike Killen | Dec 14, 2023
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I’ve never really had a problem with leads. I want to show you a lead generation method that I use which is so powerful. I had a friend of mine tell me to stop generating leads because I was basically overrun with them. It’s the exact same method we’ve used with clients and again, we’ve…

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These people inspired me to start my business

By Mike Killen | Dec 13, 2023
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I suppose the person who truly inspired me to start my business was the person who fired me from my job. I don’t harbour any ill will or bad feelings towards her. I clearly wasn’t right for the role, and frankly, I probably made her life difficult. But that manager, who told me I didn’t…

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Imposter Syndrome

By Mike Killen | Dec 12, 2023
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If there’s one thing I see time and time again with my clients. It’s imposter syndrome. “I can’t charge higher prices because my clients won’t go for it.” “I’m not good enough to close people that fast.” “That won’t work for me. I’m not like you.” It’s a mixture of a lack of self belief,…

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Secret double life kept from family

By Mike Killen | Dec 11, 2023
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Without question, the single biggest change I’ve seen in my business in the last year is massively reducing the amount of social platforms I’m on. Maybe that doesn’t seem like a big deal (especially with how “easy” content repurposing is). But to me, it has literally changed my life. I’ve always been fascinated by people…

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The Real “Catch” in Client Attraction

By Mike Killen | Dec 8, 2023
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Felt like your client base was a sea of tiny, ill-suited fish, when all you wanted was a big, healthy adult fish?  You know, the kind that truly values your services and contributes significantly to your business growth.  I’ve been there, and I’ve discovered the perfect bait. Here’s a little story that puts things into…

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I’m furious it costs this much to live

By Mike Killen | Dec 7, 2023
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Let’s get into it. The average business owner needs about $3000 a month just to keep the lights on. But that’s just survival, not flourishing. Here’s a question. Are you making enough to cover everything it takes to survive and run a business? Rent, food, bills, kids, savings, taxes, and, oh, paying a team. That’s…

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I wish I knew this before running an agency

By Mike Killen | Dec 6, 2023
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Imagine this, 9 out of 10 agencies are on the brink of collapse, and most of them don’t even see it coming.  They’re stuck in quicksand, panicking and throwing anything they can at the wall hoping it sticks, meanwhile a select few agencies are effortlessly snagging profitable and high paying clients.  What if I told…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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