3 Easy Tactics to Sell a $25,000 Funnel – Fast!

By Mike Killen | Sep 19, 2024
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The first thing you need to do is stop working with just anyone. High-ticket sales require serious qualification. You need to create more hoops for clients and leads to jump through. Start by making them fill out a booking form, or a survey or a quiz. Next, jump on a 10-minute call to further qualify…

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My Proven 5-Step Formula for High-Converting Funnels

By Mike Killen | Sep 18, 2024
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Here’s my simple five-step process for creating high-converting marketing funnels. Step one: Identify exactly who you’re selling to, and give that audience a name they’d recognise. This might take research, but it’s crucial to know your target. For example, there’s a group called “Fit Mums”—mums who are getting back into weightlifting after having kids. They…

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The Funnel That Almost Broke Me (And How I Turned It Around)

By Mike Killen | Sep 17, 2024
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I once built a funnel that was converting like crazy—but it ended up creating massive headaches because it attracted low-quality, low-value leads. Here’s how it worked: I had an opt-in page where I’d give something away for free, and on the next page, I’d offer people access to my calendar for a strategy call. Sounds…

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 Are You Making This Common Funnel Mistake?

By Mike Killen | Sep 16, 2024
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The biggest mistake? Assuming that the page design and how beautiful the funnel looks actually matters. It doesn’t. This goes hand in hand with another common error: not knowing who you’re selling to. Building marketing funnels is about solving problems, but in order to solve a problem, you need a person. And that person needs…

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How I turn scope creep into profit

By Mike Killen | Sep 13, 2024
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We’ve all been there—clients who casually ask for a bit more than what’s in the original agreement. Now, only about one in ten of these requests are made with any ill intent. The rest? They just see you as support and figure, “While you’re at it, could you whip up a leaflet or add a…

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Afraid of selling? Read this!

By Mike Killen | Sep 12, 2024
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If you’re afraid of selling or you hate selling and you get that weird pit in your stomach, what I want you to do is try this really simple exercise. Start listing off as many reasons why the customer would want to buy from you. Stop thinking about why they wouldn’t want to buy from…

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How I closed my dream client without a proposal

By Mike Killen | Sep 11, 2024
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In the past, I used to do a lot of custom work on my sales calls. I’d create bespoke project outlines, craft detailed proposals, and design them in Canva to make them look polished and professional. But then, something changed my approach completely. I was chatting with a lead who seemed like the perfect client.…

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The marketing strategy I wish I’d learned sooner

By Mike Killen | Sep 10, 2024
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Without a doubt, the most effective strategy I’ve learned is this: change the messaging, not the offer. Here’s what I mean. When you’re trying to attract new leads and customers, start with something tangible and specific. For example, if I were an agency targeting dental practices, I’d offer something like, “We help you land five…

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How my worst video idea became a surprise hit

By Mike Killen | Sep 9, 2024
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As many of you know, I’ve been working tirelessly on YouTube, and I’m thrilled to share that we’ve been seeing some real success lately. It’s still a rollercoaster, and nothing is guaranteed, but something recently shifted my perspective in a big way. We were pouring a lot of time, energy, and money into thumbnails, editing,…

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How I landed my first clients with a 10,000-word case study

By Mike Killen | Sep 6, 2024
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I’ve had people ask about the impact of a $10,000 case study, and there’s a particular turning point in my agency that I can clearly remember. It worked so well that I ended up using the same strategy twice at Sell Your Service. After choosing our niche—insurance companies that wanted to generate more leads—we focused…

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Unlocking the Doubt-Content Goldmine!

By Mike Killen | Mar 13, 2024
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Ever felt stuck in a content creation desert, desperately seeking an oasis of ideas? Believe me, we’ve all been there. A while back, I too was trudging through this barren landscape for our YouTube channel. It felt like hitting a creative wall, with no inspiration in sight. Then, a friend threw a curveball of a…

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You Won’t Believe How Easy This Sales Strategy Is!

By Mike Killen | Mar 12, 2024
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There’s a funny thing about us humans. We complicate the simplest of things. A story comes to mind about my two young nieces. They were at my place, hungry as ever, and running circles around their Mum and Dad. The problem was, they were too shy to ask me directly for food. Even though being…

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You can charge over $25,000 for building these funnels for clients

By Mike Killen | Mar 11, 2024
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I want to show you 5 funnels that I’ve built for clients that you could easily charge $25,000 for. These funnels have generated millions in sales for them and me. Plus, I’ll show how you can basically guarantee results for clients, to justify the price – even if you’re a total beginner or a seasoned…

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How I get inspired

By Mike Killen | Mar 8, 2024
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I’m finding more and more with each day that where I find inspiration is by giving myself space and freedom to think. So I’ve started booking a 45-minute session every single day where I’m not distracted by any screens, cameras, or any of that kind of shit.  And all I do is talk for about…

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The 80/20 principle

By Mike Killen | Mar 7, 2024
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Pareto’s Principle or the 80/20 rule states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work.  And we also know that to be true for customers.  I know that 80% of our revenue comes from roughly 20% of our customer base. What I tend to spend most of my time doing, is thinking.…

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Three things that people need to know before working with me

By Mike Killen | Mar 6, 2024
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I think the three things that people need to know about me before working with me is that number one, I’m not here to be your friend.  I am here to listen to you, to laugh with you, to have a good time with you. But ultimately, I’m going to be honest with you and…

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You don’t need funding

By Mike Killen | Mar 5, 2024
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You don’t need funding.  What you need is speed of implementation. And above all else, you need client acquisition.  Yes, there are some business models that work by taking on an enormous amount of funding, developing a cool piece of technology, and hoping that one of the big companies buys you out. But most businesses…

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When I started to feel like an expert

By Mike Killen | Mar 4, 2024
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I don’t really think I’ve ever truly felt like an expert.  I think part of the problem is like the Dunning-Kruger effect or imposter syndrome. The more I learn about marketing and sales and automation and copywriting and running a business, the more I realize, I don’t know.  What I’m finding is that for every…

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How my business started

By Mike Killen | Mar 1, 2024
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How my entire business and my income, my freedom, the sales, and everything else, came to be. I became tired of running my agency and a friend of mine, basically bought the company and I moved into a strategic role.  Then I left that media company.  I thought, “What’s the number one thing that I…

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How I structure my day to capitalise on my peak energy spots

By Mike Killen | Feb 29, 2024
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Here’s how I structure my day to capitalise on peak energy levels.  I’m a morning person. I’ve got energy at 5:30 in the morning, and I’m ready to go most days. What I tend to find is after I get home from exercise and health and working out and whatever, I’ll make sure I have…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

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