How I landed my first clients with a 10,000-word case study

By Mike Killen | Sep 6, 2024
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I’ve had people ask about the impact of a $10,000 case study, and there’s a particular turning point in my agency that I can clearly remember. It worked so well that I ended up using the same strategy twice at Sell Your Service. After choosing our niche—insurance companies that wanted to generate more leads—we focused…

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How I Made $10K in a Day

By Mike Killen | Sep 5, 2024
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When we had to come up with a significant amount of cash quickly, I didn’t turn to productivity hacks—I turned to efficiency. I created a sales process so powerful that it allowed us to generate $10,000 in a single day from a product that barely existed. How did I do it? I built a simple…

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Why you should sell your product before it’s even built

By Mike Killen | Sep 4, 2024
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If you’ve heard of platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you know the concept: people invest in a product before it’s live. Every successful product I’ve launched has followed this same principle—I sell them before I build them. To many, this seems counterintuitive, even impossible to grasp. But if you’re thinking of starting an agency or…

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Why video is the only trend that matters right now

By Mike Killen | Sep 3, 2024
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AI is making waves, especially when it comes to content creation and video production. But without a doubt, the biggest industry trend remains video. Video is set to become the lynchpin for most businesses going forward, and while it can feel intimidating to dive into, it’s absolutely essential. People often say that AI will make…

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Why I walked away from my successful coaching business

By Mike Killen | Sep 2, 2024
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In 2022, I started realising that I was unhappy with how my business was running. It wasn’t because of the people or my team. For whatever reason, running a coaching company just wasn’t fulfilling anymore. I’d been at it for months, but the hardest part wasn’t the work—it was accepting a truth I didn’t want…

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How I guarantee results

By Mike Killen | Aug 30, 2024
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When a new client pays the deposit, I follow a method I call the “15 Rule.” It’s simple but incredibly effective. First, I get them on a call within the first 15 minutes. Next, I schedule another call within the first 15 hours. And then, another call within the first 15 days. In fact, I…

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How I stop clients from overstepping boundaries

By Mike Killen | Aug 29, 2024
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When it comes to scope creep, one of two things happens. The client sends you an email, maybe on a Saturday or Sunday, asking, “Hey, can you check this out?” or “Can we add this webpage?” It’s tempting to think, “I’ll just do it this one time to help them out.” But that’s how scope…

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Why this tool transformed my entire business

By Mike Killen | Aug 28, 2024
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There’s a reason I keep promoting HighLevel as a game changer for agencies. And no, it’s not just because I earn affiliate commissions. In fact, I was promoting HighLevel long before I ever became an affiliate. So, why is HighLevel such a revolutionary tool for my business? It comes down to two main reasons. First,…

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I walked away from six figures and here’s why

By Mike Killen | Aug 27, 2024
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Last year, I made a decision that might seem reckless to some, but it was one of the most important moves of my life. I chose to pivot our business completely away from coaching, even though we were pulling in multiple six figures a year. You see, despite the financial success, I wasn’t happy, and…

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Stressed out? Try this simple Monday routine

By Mike Killen | Aug 26, 2024
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The last few weeks in our business have been nothing short of chaotic. We’ve faced turmoil, endless changes, and a lot of ups and downs. I’ve been away, other team members have been away, and it feels like we’ve been fighting fires every day. So how do you stay productive when everything around you is…

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sell a marketing funnel find a customer

The first step you NEED to take to sell a marketing funnel to a customer

By Mike Killen | May 9, 2017
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If you want to sell marketing funnels to customers, this post is going to clear up the FIRST and most fundamental step you need to take. “Mike, I want more customers for my funnel business. How can I sell more marketing funnels?” is the most common question I’m asked with funnels. “I want to sell…

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work overwhelmed

What to do when you’re overwhelmed with work, tasks, customers and more

By Mike Killen | May 8, 2017
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Building and selling marketing funnels is a demanding job. Combined with running our own businesses, we can sometimes feel overwhelmed with all our commitments. I’m going to show you exactly what I do when I’m overwhelmed with work, customers, tasks, support tickets, problems and more. Rip that plaster (band-aid) right off If you leave your…

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audience building email list growth

How to get your message in front of more people

By Mike Killen | May 5, 2017
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We need to build a larger audience, in order to scale our business. One of the problems micro and single person businesses face, is that their potential audience is much larger than they’re allowing. Typically, we promote our posts and some curated content via Twitter and Facebook, maybe other social channels, and we grow a…

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mailchimp free automation sell a funnel

You have no excuse to not sell marketing automation now (updated)

By Mike Killen | May 4, 2017
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MailChimp has now got a free automation platform. If you’ve ever wanted to sell marketing automation funnels, but you don’t want to spend thousands on software, this is the place to start. I’m going to show you how you can sell a marketing automation funnel, using MailChimp’s free automation platform. Marketing automation has always required…

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sell your service funnel killer content

5 best killer, high traffic blog posts on the internet (that you can copy)

By Mike Killen | May 2, 2017
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I constantly bang on about having a killer piece, of long form high-quality content. I truly believe it’s the key to online success with your business. They allow you to drive traffic to one post and measure results. They typically have higher conversion rates for email subscribers and they position you as someone that seriously…

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charge price sell marketing funnel


By Mike Killen | Apr 28, 2017
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“How much should I charge for a marketing funnel?” I asked. The guy at the event was supposed to be a guru. Talking about how much revenue he’s made through funnels for his customers. I figured if anyone knew, it’d be him. I was excited to hear his reply. He looked at me and smiled. “How…

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productivity day off sell funnel team hire outsource

Why taking the day off is the most productive thing you can do

By Mike Killen | Apr 27, 2017
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What if you could take the day off and still have a productive day? I’m going to show you how, in 10 steps you can take the day off, hire someone to do that work and start to outsource the parts of your job you shouldn’t be doing. If you can’t take holidays, days off…

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bed-itus motivation no work depression

What to do about those days you just don’t feel like working.

By Mike Killen | Apr 24, 2017
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We all have them. Days where we wake up and just can’t face the laptop. I’m going to show you my method for dealing with those days, where you just don’t feel like working. WARNING: Some of this post is pretty exposing so let’s play nice. Crushing guilt The real kicker with these types of…

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digital marketing funnel tools

Top 5 digital marketing tools [VIDEO]

By Mike Killen | Apr 21, 2017
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Join me and my friend, Cam, as we talk about our favourite digital marketing tools. The audio sucks, the lighting is poor, but we wanted to record a conversation we were having about our favourite digital marketing tools.

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podcast interview expert format sell funnel

The fastest method to becoming an expert in your field

By Mike Killen | Apr 20, 2017
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Fastest way to become an expert The fastest way in the world to become an expert, or position yourself as an expert in your field is to create and publish regular content. One of the easiest ways we can do this is with a podcast. Lot’s of businesses want to and try to start podcasts.…

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Hey there, I'm Mike (:

Mike Killen

Back in 2016 I decided that I was going to help as many funnel builders as I could, sell more marketing funnels for higher prices.

I've now helped thousands of funnel builders sell their services for higher prices, define a niche and scale their business.

I know that my team and I can help, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Have courage, commit and take action.

Mike Killen

Use our most popular free tool for calculating the exact price you should be charging for your marketing funnels